Security Tricks for a Safer Home
Making your home a safer place isn't that hard to do, but it can be difficult for you to think of the different ways you can go about transforming your home into a safer place since you may not know how to think like a criminal. This makes it harder for you to know what things you should be doing to better protect your home from criminals and others who would victimize your home or property in a number of ways. Here are simple tricks and other ways you can create a safe house:
Give a neighbor your phone numbers
A neighbor that you feel you can count on should be given all of your contact information. This will give them ways to reach you in case there is an emergency going on at your home while you are away or even while you are home asleep.
Know how to hide a spare key
If you want to hide a spare key outside, then you definitely want to make sure you don't make the mistake so many others do and leave it right where criminals know where to look. Hide-rocks, under regular rocks, under flower pots, under door mats, over the threshold and on top of the porch light are just a few examples of places where criminals tend to look for keys.
If you decide to put a key outside, you can put it in a clear plastic bag, dig about 6 inches deep under an easy to remember rock, put the key and bag in the hole, fill the hole back up with dirt, pat it down like it was never dug up and put the rock back in place. If a criminal lifts rocks looking for keys, they won't know one is actually buried a half a foot in the ground.
Plant sharp and thick brush under all the windows
Planting sharp and thick brush, or even cacti, under the windows can both prevent someone from climbing through the windows and help to decorate your yard. Along with cacti, thick rose bushes are also good choices. You want to learn about caring for them to ensure they grow nice and thick so there will be plenty of beautiful roses as well as a lot of thorns to ward off those break-ins.
Have a security system put in with cameras and remote access
A system with cameras and remote access will give you some of the best home protection you could ask for. It means you can protect your home by knowing authorities will be alerted to problems and you can also visually keep your own watch on your house at any time and from literally anywhere. Contact a company like HSI Security to learn more about security camera setups.